One track solutions are not always the right fit when problem solving today, whether it be for a global corporate or a start up, in Europe, Africa, North America or Asia. With Gina’s deep experience as a sector specialist, CEO, advisor, coach and mentor, and with her eye on the increasingly challenging work environment her clients operate in, she has developed World View Mentor with an approach that tailors individual solutions based on six key service areas. “Each engagement differs,” she says, “but I find I often tap into two or three of my service areas for clients over six to ten sessions.”

Services: Mentoring

Mentoring services for leaders and soon-to-be leaders. Mentoring is steeped in the history of sharing knowledge, application of solutions and signposting additional resource. These proactive sessions apply a mentor’s career expertise and experience to a client’s career, or work challenge. “Mentoring sessions are a safe space to explore options and pros and cons of potential approaches. Often the client is reassured that the problem is one other leaders or managers have encountered”,  says Gina.

What is an example of mentoring?

You are promoted to a new leadership role and with a new team.  The team looks to you as the new leader to have all the answers which is causing overwhelm.  A mentor having had this experience can help guide with a response that will support the team and help the new leader in the transition as well as to realise the differences of the new role and responsibilities.

“She has a natural ability to give constructive feedback which is honest and candid, and it is wonderfully reassuring knowing that Gina has my back and wants me to succeed. An unexpected and added bonus has been her generosity with her network and contacts. She is in my world the gift that keeps giving and involving her in my work, her wisdom has a far-reaching ripple effect beyond our work together.”

— Salma Shah, Founder, award-winning Master My Power Programme

Services: Coaching

The essence of Gina’s coaching practice focuses on the use of questioning techniques which enable the coachee to discover their own solution. Gina’s coaching services are designed for clients who are focused on finding the answers within themselves. “A good coach will not continue with open ended coaching sessions,  which could create a dependency,” Gina adds, “There should be a clear start and end point negotiated.”

What is an example of coaching?

A leader is finding a specific person in the team challenging and disruptive in meetings.  A coach can describe the impact they feel and by questioning and listening can support the coachee to find their own solution.  Coaching believes that the client has the ability within to know the solution and helps to bring this to the surface.  A coach should listen more than they speak.


When a project requires something other than her mentoring or coaching practice Gina will consult on strategy or projects. She is particularly interested in businesses who are focused on change for good  and has recently consulted in the coaching tech space.

"We have been working with Gina and World View for over a year now, as Gina has been advising us on our product design and launch of our AI-based coaching skills platform. Gina's ideas, help and perspective, together with her vast network of contacts has been invaluable in the process, and we are building a long-term partnership together for the years to come"

Alex Haitoglu and Bryan Watson, Co-Founders, OVIDA


Sometimes the best way to support a client is to help them connect with the broader world. With 20 years experience in leadership, coaching, mentoring, and serving on boards, Gina has built up a list of trusted advisors in many areas from xx to xx .As appropriate, introductions can be made to support her client’s growth.

‘I only met Gina a few months ago but she immediately showed a personal interest in what we are striving to achieve and invested her time so she could personally understand what we were trying to do.  Gina then suggested a number of potential opportunities we had not thought of. Based on our discussions Gina has also kindly introduced us to two excellent trusted technology partners she has worked with in the past who will potentially enable us to take our offering to the next level far quicker than we had originally thought possible.      

I believe Gina's knowledge of the coaching ecosystem is ChatGPT-esque–the only difference is that Gina not only has the knowledge and information based on practical experience but she also knows how to turn her knowledge and personal connections into very valuable wisdom - a resource everyone needs!!’

Anthony Willoughby, Founder and CEO, The Nomadic School of Business


Resources can come in many forms: From a reference to a tried and tested aid or tool, to an introduction to a person or organisation which can support a solution, or to a particular model or solution. Gina is also constantly researching potential resources for clients.

Thought Leadership

Thought leadership and developing new models of thinking in business culture, leadership, mentoring and coaching is always evolving. Gina’s work with The Intelligent Leadership Hub, The Association for Coaches and Davos 100 Women amongst others, regularly exposes her to new ways of thinking. This, combined with her deep background in running and managing businesses and as an NED gives her a balanced perspective on the concepts that deliver impact for her clients and their businesses.